








added carbon and superfluous tungsten may generate WC,W2C,M6C and other carbides. The hard materials distribute in the cobalt base and strengthen the separation process, thus the alloy can maintain excellent intension and rigidity under high temperature of 800℃. Thus, the cobalt, chrome, tungsten and carbon alloy have integrated performance of preventing the high temperature wear, oxidation and thermal fatigue.   钴在417℃温度以下,为密排六方结构,具有低的摩擦系数,而具有很好的耐磨性。在417℃温度时发生由密排六方晶体,向面心立方晶体的转变,而产生体积应力。因此在喷焊时一般均需将被焊工件预热到500℃~600℃,以防钴基焊层开裂。   Below 417℃,cobalt is in dense-hexagonal structure,it has lower frictional coefficient and sound wear resistance. The structure of cobalt will change from dense-hexagonal crystal into face-center-cubic structure under 417℃. The volume stress may appear. Therefore, the welding pieces should be warmed up to 500℃~600℃ to avoid the crack for cobalt-base welding layers.   我公司生产的钴基合金粉,既有适合等离子堆焊的、激光熔敷的,也有适合氧乙炔焰喷焊的,下面介绍的钴基喷焊合金粉,采用塑料桶和铁桶封装,但由于粉末颗粒较细,极易吸潮,建议用户在使用前经120℃保温两小时烘干后使用为佳。   Our company has different types of cobalt-base alloy powder, which can meet the requirements of laser cladding for plasma surfacing and oxyacetylene flame welding. The following cobalt-base sprayed welding alloy powder produced by our company is packaged and sealed in the plastic or metal pail. However, for the thin granularity and humidity-absorbing characteristic of the product, it’s recommended that the customer should dry the products under 120℃ for two hours before useing.型号 相当于 规格(μm) 特性简述 主要用途 物理性能 应用工艺 Co1 Stellite1 -150/ 53 -200/ 73 -73/ 45 合金中碳和钨含量高,抗磨粒磨损性能极优,具有耐热,耐蚀高红硬性等优良性能,但冲击强度差,开裂倾向敏感。 应用于耐磨料磨损及固状料冲刷磨损场合。螺旋推进器,泵阀座等。 ①HRC50-57②熔点1265℃③流动性17s/50g④松装密度4.7g/cm3 等离子堆焊 Co2 Stellite6 -150/ 53 -200/ 90 -75/ 25 在Srellire合金系列中应用为广泛一种。韧性较好,在800℃以下温度范围内具有优良的耐蚀、耐高温、抗冲击等综合性。 气门进排气阀、阀座、闸板阀阀板。 ①HRC38-42 ②熔点1280℃ ③流动性18s/50g ④松装密度4.7g/cm3 等离子堆焊 Co2F Stellite6 -106/ 45-200/ 90 为适用氧乙炔焊加入B、Si元素的Stelllite6改型的粉末,其性能与上述相同。 气门、阀门、阀座等密封面堆焊。 ①HRC40-44②熔点1180℃③流动性16s/50g④松装密度4.7g/cm3 等离子堆焊氧乙炔喷焊 Co3 Stellite12 -150/ 53-200/ 90 该合金含钨高,故基体硬度高,耐磨料磨损性能较强,在800℃高温下焊层仍具有良好的耐蚀、耐磨、耐热性能。 阀门密封面,纸张塑料等刀刃口的预保护,排气阀。 ①HRC47-50 ②熔点1300℃ ③流动性18s/50g ④松装密度4.7g/cm3 等离子堆
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